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Got to Act: Simulation Games for Democracy

Brought together by three NGOs from Europe: My Madeira Island (Portugal), Student-Youth Council (Portugal) and Center for European Initiatives (Ukraine).

Got to Act project is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.



Understanding the responsibilities of stakeholders;

How to identify needs and frame the requests;

How to negotiate;

How to make a public speech;

How to organize a decision-making process.

Topic/s to address:

Citizenship and participation;


Decision-making process.

Group size:

30 young people of 15-18 y.o.

30 young people 19-25 y.o.


Total duration 3,5 hours/ or

1st part 1,5

2nd part 1,5 hours

Break 30 min.

Skills to develop:

Communication skills, critical thinking, planning, listening skills, problem-solving, teamwork, time management, presentation

Overview: Part 1

The activity displaces a communication and negotiation process about expectations, rights and responsibilities between 4 groups of stakeholders, involved in the community life: young people, local authorities, Non-Governmental organizations and citizens.

Overview: Part 2

This activity simulates a community meeting about the use of the public space to build a space based on the needs of the community.


Role cards printed and cut

Titles of the stakeholders / Name tags of the roles

Negotiation Square template A4 size each part

Markers for each group for making notes

Rules of play handout sheet

-use the sound to create the atmosphere of the game
-provide participants with a box that contains different props (outfits, attributes, personal items, relevant to the specific roles) which they can use to frame their roles.

NOTE! Let participants decide what materials they need and if they want to use them to avoid the stereotypical tagging of their roles.



Project coordinator


Disclaimer: The European Union support for the projection of this publication does not constitute any endorsement of the content which reflects the views only of the authors. and the Union cannot be held responsible for a n use which mav be made of the information contained therein.

Copyright © ,Got To Act, 2023