
Our project aims to empower young individuals in the realm of local youth activism and youth policy development using simulation games as a primary educational tool. While state youth policy is a priority for participating countries and the EU, it often takes a back seat in practice due to pressing economic and political challenges.

However, there is a pool of active, motivated young people who can play a pivotal role in engaging with local authorities and state institutions, as well as mobilizing their peers for more active involvement.


What these young individuals lack is a clear understanding of how policy development mechanisms function and how they can make an impact. In this project, we seek to support and equip them with practical skills to enhance peer participation at the local level, ensuring that the voices of young people are heard and influence policy. Central to our approach are simulation games, enabling young people to model and prepare for real policy actions.

Our project is informed by an extensive analysis of open internet data, including reports from the EU, the Council of Europe, and national reports. It is designed to address the needs of the participating organizations, all of which work with young people at the local level, aligning with their core mission of fostering youth development and activism. Simultaneously, the project caters to the needs of the young participants, enhancing their competencies and understanding of how they can shape local youth policy for the future.


Young People

Youth Activists

Youth Policy Stakeholders


Project coordinator

Associação My Madeira Island


Disclaimer: The European Union support for the projection of this publication does not constitute any endorsement of the content which reflects the views only of the authors. and the Union cannot be held responsible for a n use which mav be made of the information contained therein.

Copyright © ,Got To Act, 2023